
Bueng Boraphet Swamp by Pongpol Adireksarn


Bueng Boraphet Swamp by Pongpol Adireksarn

On October 31, 2023, I returned to Bueng Boraphet Swamp in Nakhon Sawan Province after four years. This wetland is Thailand's largest freshwater lake where thousands of waterbirds inhabit and a large number of winter migrants seek refuge. My visit coincided with the resident birds breeding season providing me with a unique and enthralling experience. I observed several thousands of Asian Openbills on an island within the swamp, engaging in the selection of mates, nest construction, egg laying and incubating, and caring for their newborns.

What particularly struck me was the dedication these birds displayed in collecting aquatic grass from nearby meadows to build their nests. Some nests had already welcomed hatchlings, with attentive mother birds providing care. I spent hours capturing these captivating moments through photography, and I'd be happy to share some of these images with you.

In addition to the Openbills, I had the pleasure of encountering various local bird species and witnessing the gradual arrival of migratory birds from China and India, including lesser whistling ducks and garganeys, albeit in relatively small numbers. This visit served as a reminder of the endless marvels of nature of Thailand.

 A flock of Asian Openbills


Bronze-winged Jacana

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